Sunday, January 7, 2018

Greetings from the Florida Orlando Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Happy New Year!  We have been here 1 1/2 months and are beginning to understand our duties in the Mission Office, that’s not to say we are proficient yet.... or even comfortable. We are at the office eight or more hours, five days a week. Elder Gould (Randy) is the vehicle coordinator for the Mission, a monumental assignment. There are right at 80 vehicles, 76 of which are driven by the young Missionaries age 18-24.  Traffic and driving here is precarious! Luckily the couple who served right before us and offered us training are still just a phone call away. Sister Gould (Kathleen) has a few little secretarial responsibilities: Referrals, Departure Travel, Just Serve, Mission History.  The first week or so when she would answer the phone she said, “Florida Oregon Mission, this is Sister Gould....”
We have certainly appreciated being able to join with our dear family in Oregon through video calls.  We feel the strength of prayers on our behalf. Thank you.
Today, 7 January, as we celebrate 35 years of marriage, we are grateful to be here serving the Lord and helping to move the Work along. That of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.